Marc Carmichael for United States Senate

Vincent Aguirre • Apr 09, 2024


Marc is a lifelong Indiana resident and a Notre Dame graduate who was elected to the Indiana House when he easily defeated the sitting Republican House Speaker in a 60% Republican district. Carmichael defended his seat twice before stepping down to become the Director of Governmental Affairs for the Indiana Gas Company. 

In 1999, Carmichael took over as President of the Indiana Beverage Alliance, a statewide trade association for Indiana’s family owned beer distributors, and retired from that position in 2020. He is single with three children and five grandchildren. 

“I’m running because I want to be a dignified and dedicated leader serving Indiana and all Hoosiers, in the mold of legislators like Richard Lugar and Lee Hamilton” 

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By Ty Ishikawa 16 Aug, 2024
This summer, I attended the Indiana Democratic Convention in Indianapolis as a delegate, voting with 2,000 others to choose the party’s nominees for Lieutenant Governor and Attorney General. But even though I attended the Indiana Democratic Convention, I’m not just writing for young Democrats. I’m also writing for young Republicans, young Libertarians, young Green Partiers, and even young people who aren’t interested in politics but just want to see positive change in their community. Ultimately, our specific opinions are less important than simply getting involved. Even if we aren’t successful, our involvement strengthens American democracy. Getting involved in politics sounds difficult. It might also sound like a lot of work, and young people are already busy, whether they’re working or getting an education, or both. We’re already so involved with sports or clubs or friends that we think we couldn’t possibly fit something like politics into our schedule. But it’s important to devote the time we do have to politics when there are so many issues to take action on today that will affect our future. Young voters, who turn out to elections in comparatively low numbers, are especially crucial in deciding issues. Getting involved wasn’t difficult. I needed to register to vote before I went to the convention, so I walked down to the BMV with a few documents and registered within half an hour. Those of us who have learner’s permits or drivers’ licenses have already had the opportunity to register. Making an impact is accessible. And it’s a great experience – at the convention, I had the opportunity to observe how political decisions are made, and the factors that determine a party’s choice of nominees. When I realized that I would be voting, I was surprised that young people like me were getting to make these important decisions. But regular people who care about causes are the right people, because the candidates hope to govern for everyone. My freshman history teacher once said that if you can vote but don’t, you can’t complain about politics. I think he’s right – if we feel that there is a change that should be made, or shouldn’t be made, we should use the resources that democracy gives us to make or prevent that change. When we get involved in politics, we ensure that our opinions gain the importance they deserve in our government. If I hadn’t gone to the convention, my vote not being counted wouldn’t have changed the outcome. In a way, though, it made the choice of candidates more legitimate, since I, as a young citizen, had my say. The fact that we have our say makes our government – for the people, by the people – that much more justified, and ensures that our collective interests won’t be ignored, whatever our opinions. Everyone who votes and gets involved in politics is essentially on the same side – the side of democracy – trying to put the ideas of the people into action. -Ty Ishikawa
By Vincent Aguirre 16 Apr, 2024
“I am running for Attorney General because Hoosiers deserve an Attorney General who will put them first,” said Wells. “As Attorney General, I will protect medical privacy, support workers’ rights, and focus on the needs and safety of our communities.” As Attorney General, Wells will focus on the following three priorities: Protecting medical privacy: Wells will fight to protect the rights of all Hoosiers to make their own healthcare decisions. Supporting workers’ rights: Wells will introduce a Workers’ Bill of Rights and propose a task force to assist in issues such as wage theft and worker misclassification. Getting back to serving Hoosiers: Wells will prioritize the needs of Hoosiers, not national political talking points. Unlike the current Attorney General, she will return the office to its highest ethical standards. 
A woman is standing on top of a mountain with her arms in the air.
15 Apr, 2024
Why Your Vote in the Democratic Primary Matters More Than Ever We find ourselves again in a political season. It seems more and more EVERY season is a political season. We know this can cause many to disengage, feeling worn out and fatigued by the seemingly constant reminder that THIS is the most important election of our generation. Leading more and more people to look for opportunities to take a break from politics; to take a cycle off, so to speak. We often hear from voters, Republicans, Democrats, and everywhere in between, right here in Putnam County, that they’re tired of politics. And we want you to know that we get it. If you’ll allow us, we’d like to suggest that what we’re actually tired of is feeling like our voice doesn’t matter. We’re tired of feeling like no one is listening to what’s happening right here at home. The reality is, we can not escape from politics. If you drove to work today, if you turned on the faucet and clean water came out, or if you took your kids to enjoy one of our beautiful parks, then you participated in politics. Politics simply means the way we organize ourselves, and in turn, the way our community functions. Leading some communities to have clean water and some to not, some to have safe roads, and some to not. So then, the question is not, “are you engaged in politics?” but “are you using your voice to make a difference?” One way we make a difference in this process of politics is exercising our right to vote. It's the cornerstone of our democracy, and a right that countless individuals have fought to secure and protect. Yet, as we approach the primary season, some within our community find themselves unsure if they will engage. Some might even consider using their vote to sway the outcome on “the other side.” While the freedom to choose is fundamental to our democracy, it’s crucial to understand the broader implications of where and how you cast your vote, especially in a primary election. 
By Vincent Aguirre 09 Apr, 2024
I was born in India and came to the US at age 18. My journey reflects these principles through various roles and achievements. I started my career as a dedicated employee at McDonald's, where I learned the importance of hard work and commitment. I went on to work as a hospital employee under nonprofit union workers and then broke into the health insurance industry. It was there that I thrived as an agent and broker where I passionately helped clients secure their future. I am running for Congress in Indiana’s District 4 because I am tired of our democracy being weaponized such as healthcare and our education system. Our rural areas do not have access to quality healthcare, internet services, and our farmers need sustainable farming practices. Beyond my professional life, I cherish my role as a family person fueled by a desire to serve my community. I am committed to translating my values and experiences into impactful political leadership. With a focus on integrity, accountability, transparency, and respect, I aim to advocate for positive change that reflects the aspirations of those I'm privileged to represent.
By Vincent Aguirre 05 Apr, 2024
Experience. Integrity. No Nonsense. Beth White is an experienced public servant who wants to get the Attorney General’s office back to the business of working for Hoosiers. Beth currently serves as the president and CEO of the Indiana Coalition to End Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking. She previously led the Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee and served two terms as the elected Marion County Clerk, where she presided over 14 elections and was the first clerk in Indiana to marry same-sex couples following the Obergefell decision.
By Vincent Aguirre 04 Apr, 2024
Indiana Senate District 24 candidate Veronica Pejril (rhymes with EDGE-ril) has been a Hoosier-by-choice since 1996, and she resides in Putnam County. The daughter of a city water-treatment engineer and a public school math teacher, She is a proud parent of twin sons, who are 2017 Purdue graduates. Veronica attended Illinois public schools, including the University of Illinois where she received her bachelor’s degree. While a student there, she invented new software tools for musicians and composers, and was awarded a funded doctoral fellowship to Princeton University to continue her research. While at Princeton, she founded a business, Black Squirrel Software. After time as a stay-home parent and as a K-8 music teacher, she now leads DePauw University’s instructional technology team and is a part-time Assistant Professor of Music. 
By Vincent Aguirre 04 Apr, 2024
Jennifer McCormick is a lifelong educator and Indiana native committed to building a state where everyone has the opportunity to succeed. Growing up on a small family farm in New Castle, Indiana, Jennifer witnessed the opportunities and challenges facing Indiana. Her community was full of spirit and support, and the public school was the community’s front porch. Neighborhoods were filled with kids, and families had an opportunity to thrive. Yet, as good paying jobs left her community, she saw families, small businesses, schools, and local infrastructure suffer. It was during these times, Jennifer also witnessed the resilience of Hoosiers. Her dad, an engineer by trade, and her mom, a retail store manager, instilled in Jennifer the importance of public service, empowering others, and excellence in hard work. It became evident that true public service required an approach of bringing all voices to the table, respecting others and ensuring no one was left behind. Jennifer’s journey and passion for service led her to the classroom where she spent a decade as a special education and language arts teacher before becoming a public school principal and superintendent for nearly 15 years. As superintendent, she protected local control of the school district so the community could make the best decisions for their own children. In 2016, Jennifer successfully ran for state superintendent of public instruction to be a champion for Hoosier kids. She campaigned on empowering kids, parents and educators, supporting and guiding schools, and delivering a high-quality public education to every Hoosier. As State Superintendent, she took on politics that were negatively impacting our schools and fought for what was right for kids, teachers, and parents. Managing half of Indiana’s state budget, Jennifer demonstrated fiscal responsibility by using taxpayer dollars effectively and efficiently.  Now, Jennifer’s running for governor of Indiana because she believes it’s time to put Hoosier first. She will bring common sense and bipartisanship back to the statehouse. Jennifer proved she will stand up to out-of-touch policies that are destroying public education, stripping Hoosiers of their rights and freedoms, and leaving rural communities behind. Jennifer and her husband, Trent, have one son, a West Point graduate and a member of the United States Army. She earned her B.A. from Purdue, M.A. from Ball State and an Ed.S. and Ph.D. from Indiana State.
A woman wearing a blue jacket and earrings smiles for the camera
By Vincent Aguirre 02 Apr, 2024
My name is Dr. Valerie McCray and I’m working hard to become your next U.S. Senator representing Indiana. As a Psychologist, I've witnessed how U.S. policies profoundly affect the mental well-being of our people. I’ve worked directly with veterans struggling with PTSD, incarcerated individuals in desperate need of support and rehabilitation, and youth struggling to overcome the effects of violence. It's clear that mental health must be a national priority and we cannot address our nation's challenges one crisis at a time. That's why I'm running for U.S. Senate. Relentlessly, I will fight for beyond-subsistence wages, unions, healthcare for all, women’s rights to choose, equal rights for everyone, strengthening public education, and repealing Citizens United so people (not corporations) can be truly represented. In addition, I will champion student loan debt reduction, closing the wealth gap, and funding environmental restoration efforts. I am both compassionate and fierce, and can relate to the struggles of working class Hoosiers. I will break barriers and build a brighter future for Indiana. Together, we can build a movement for change—one that prioritizes mental health and ensures every individual has access to resources needed and policies that help us thrive. Visit for more information.
A man in a suit and tie stands in front of a stone wall
By Vincent Aguirre 02 Apr, 2024
Hello, I’m Derrick Holder, and I’m running to represent Indiana’s 4th Congressional District. Born and raised in Indianapolis, my journey is one of resilience, service, and dedication to our community. My upbringing in a financially unstable household taught me the importance of perseverance and empathy, values that have guided me through life’s challenges and triumphs. After high school, I joined the Marine Corps, seeking to serve and make a difference. This experience taught me discipline, teamwork, and the significance of a collective effort towards a common goal. Unfortunately, my service was cut short due to an injury, leading to my retirement.
a man with a beard is wearing a vest and tie and smiling .
By Vincent Aguirre 18 Mar, 2024
There are new faces and new focus in the Putnam County Democratic Party. Vincent Aguirre , currently serving on the Greencastle City Council, has been appointed chair of the party. Jackie Roberts has stepped in as the new Vice Chair, and Christopher Oldstone-Moore has assumed the role of Secretary. Kim Fidler stepped down as chair after six years of dedicated service to focus on her PhD program and other volunteer opportunities, while Veronica Pejril has shifted her attention to her Indiana Senate District 24 campaign, and Russell Harvey has dedicated himself to revitalizing Main Street Greencastle. Aguirre says this is a re-energized Party. "Public service has to get beyond politics.” Aguirre stated. “This new leadership team is already bringing fresh thinking, new perspectives and more focus on solving problems for Putnam County Citizens - and getting away from partisan politics. We are looking forward to working with other civil servants in other parties. We know we have to work together to deliver more for the people here in our community, and move past the divisive rhetoric there in DC.” Aguirre added, "People here in Putnam County all share common ground - literally. We all want this to be the best place it can be for our families and our neighbors. Our party is a place for Independents, Libertarians, disenchanted Republicans, Democrats and everyone in between who wants to contribute and use government to make a difference. To our group, it's not about labels and politics. We’re not interested in the petty arguments of DC politicians. They might not be working to get things done there - but anyone who calls this community home knows good and well, that is what we do here. We all live here together - and it will take all of us to have a community that works.” The party is committed to the core values that Aguirre outlined during his campaign: Fiscal responsibility and economic growth Education and Empowerment Community and Unity Open Dialogue and Open Doors Compassion and Empathy These principles drive the party's mission to create a healthy, prosperous, and unified Putnam County. These are not just ideals but every-day actions that help advance this place we all call home. If you would like to help bring positive change to Putnam County, our Party invites all interested citizens to be a part of this effort, regardless of your political affiliation. For more information or to get involved, please visit .
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